May 27 2016

The Securities Industry Association body hosted a roundtable on Capitol Hill…

We wish all our readers in the US a Happy Memorial Day (and enjoy the 100th running of the Indy 500 Sunday!). As there is also a UK Bank Holiday Monday, we will not be publishing any newsletters.

SIFMA Hosts Social Impact Investment Roundtable On Capitol Hill, Bringing Together Industry Experts & Lawmakers


SIFMA hosted a roundtable on Social Impact Investing with industry experts and Members of Congress. The event fueled a discussion between the financial services industry and Members of Congress, on the role of America’s capital markets in creating and funding programs designed to improve local communities. The event was held on Capitol Hill and participants included Kenneth E. Bentsen, Jr., president and CEO of SIFMA, as well as Representatives Tom MacArthur (R-NJ), John Delaney (D-MD), Tom Reed (R-NY) and Jared Polis (D-CO). Industry participants included Audrey Choi, CEO, Institute for Sustainable Investing, Morgan Stanley; Stephen Freedman, Head of Thematic and Sustainable Investing Strategy US, UBS; and Navjeet Bal, EVP & General Counsel, Social Finance.

Participants discussed Social Finance’s Pay for Success Programs, such as the Nurse-Family Partnership in South Carolina and the Connecticut Family Stability Project; and Morgan Stanley’s underwriting work for Sustainable Neighborhood Bond, which funds affordable housing in New York, and its Investing with Impact Platform and Sustainable Investing Portfolios, which allow investors of all sizes to invest with impact, making scale in the social finance market possible.