May 19 2016

Big data and traction gains, heartening reading today from another upbeat SIB News:

Why Social Impact Bonds Are Seen As Gaining Traction (subscription)

The Bond Buyer

The use of “social impact bonds” as an alternative financing tool is on the rise and news that Chicago’s first venture into the space will pay off for investors demonstrates the benefits, market participants said.


Big Data for Big Social Impact

Anna Bowden – Pro Bono Australia

In recent years, a suite of new tools has emerged to help us ease some of our most pressing societal problems, such as impact investing, shared value, social enterprise and social innovation. Gradually, all sectors have come to recognise the value of these models, albeit with some disagreement over the scale of value.

One tool has only just begun to be considered for its potential contribution to positive social impact – “big data”. The easiest way to think about big data is for what it enables us to do with large volumes of information. Put simply, big data allows us to analyse and see things in ways that smaller sources of data cannot.