May 12 2016

A snapshot of how the enlightenment of social investment is coming to Scotland alongside a rather sad hatchet job which demonstrates where tragically some in left wing politics put idealism as a priority to actually executing a better world – AKA pragmatism versus political purity or “Done is Better Than Perfect” as they say in startup land.

Scotland’s Social Investment Market: A Snapshot

Alastair Davies – Pioneers Post

Is social investment in Scotland thriving or just about surviving? CEO of Social Investment Scotland Alastair Davies provides an overview of the sector.



Anita Hoge – NewsWithViews

There is a lot of hankie-pankie going on in the U.S. Department of Education and nobody seems to be able to pinpoint the collusion in a public/private financial partnership deal with Goldman Sachs called Pay For Success, PFS.

Senator Cruz did not mention once that Pay For Success, PFS, was rigged into the federal education legislation, ESSA. In fact, Senator Ted Cruz did NOT even vote on the day of the passage of ESSA. Why didn’t Sen. Cruz vote against this bill?

It was Goldman Sachs that had funded Senator Cruz for his entry into the Presidential Race. Heidi Cruz works for Goldman Sachs and is currently on leave while her husband runs as a candidate for President. Is this why they felt silence was “golden”?

Perhaps Heidi Cruz can explain Pay For Success to Special Education parents since she announced that education is her primary goal. We might also ask her to explain the federal education fake CHOICE. Or ask her about the psychological child abuse on children in the classroom that would CONTINUE in Pay For Success because Common Core psychological interventions were legislated through ESSA.