June 27 2016

The world’s media seems to think the globe had a partial stop to its spin cycle Friday. Rather, the truth is the UK Brexit vote from the EU was always likely and probably inevitable (our advisory clients have been so advised for years). It may have a fascinating (and positive) impact for the PFS/SIB movement – certainly it will not be a negative reaction.

If you want to catch some of my insight on Brexit, I spoke to RT about Brexit & Mutually Assured Destruction risks Friday while on Saturday I was chatting with CBC News Canada Canada about the opportunities for North America.

There is much to be done on the Brexit topic, especially as the British government (in an act of profound incompetence) has not been preparing but others have and the future for world trade and a better Britain (perhaps even a better Europe if they can get their act together).

Today in the PFS parish, an interesting article from the Brookings institute:


Paying For Success In Education: Comparing Opportunities In The US & Globally

Emily Gustafsson-Wright & Sophie Gardiner – Brookings

“This is about governments using data for performance rather than compliance” was a resounding message coming out of the U.S. Department of Education’s conference on June 10 on the use of Pay for Success contracts in education. These contracts, known globally as social impact bonds, continue to be at the forefront of global conversations about results-based financing mechanisms, and have garnered significant momentum this week with passage of the Social Impact Partnerships for Pay for Results Act in the U.S. While limitations certainly exist, their potential to revolutionize the way we fund social projects is tremendous.